Up Against the Wall: Art, Activism, and the AIDS Poster is the first major exhibition devoted to the University of Rochester’s vast collection of HIV/AIDS-related posters. The exhibition features 165 of the most visually arresting and thought-provoking posters from the over 8000 posters from 130 countries assembled by collector, physician, and medical historian Dr. Edward C. Atwater. Dr. Atwater generously donated the entire collection, which also includes a broad range of AIDS-related ephemera, to the University’s River Campus Libraries’ Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation beginning in 2007. Today it comprises one of the largest collections of its kind in the world. Both the collection and the exhibition illustrate the wide range of communication strategies used to educate and inform people about this devastating global epidemic, underscoring how beauty and creativity have grown out of the tragedy and destruction of this deadly virus.
The messages conveyed by the posters are both visual and textual; through a variety of creative expressions they serve to inspire people to protect themselves, protect others, and to change their own behaviors. The posters in the exhibition span from 1982 to the present and show how social, religious, civic, activist, medical, and philanthropic organizations have addressed the complex, controversial, and often contested terrain of the global HIV/AIDS epidemic within the public realm. A variety of audiences, cultural norms, and specific behaviors are reflected in the many messages and methods used to share information to prevent HIV/AIDS.
With their international scope and myriad visual languages—from simple hand drawings to slick advertising graphics—the posters in this exhibition demonstrate the urgent need to inform individuals and communities around the world about the threat of HIV/AIDS. In its entirety, the Atwater Collection at the University of Rochester highlights how public health posters specific to HIV/AIDS represent one of the most significant, prolific, and creative chapters in the more than 150-year history of poster art.
The AIDS Education Poster Collection, housed in the Department of Rare Books, Special Collections and Preservation, is one of the world’s largest single collections of visual resources related to the disease.
Poster Competition
We teamed up with River Campus Libraries and invited New York State artists, ages 14 and up, to submit original poster designs that help raise awareness around the HIV/AIDS epidemic, open up a conversation about HIV/AIDS, and inspire citizens into action, education, and the elimination of the disease. On exhibition in the Vanden Brul Pavilion are the first, second, and third place winning selections of the contest. These three posters continue in the rich tradition of graphic design, visual culture, public health, and advocacy, through educational and health posters.

Thanks to all of the submissions, and congratulations to the winners!
This collaborative exhibition and all related activities are made possible through the vision and generosity of donor, collector, physician, and medical historian Dr. Edward C. Atwater, and his family, whose AIDS Education Posters Collection is part of the River Campus Libraries’ Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation at the University of Rochester.
Presenting Sponsor

Lead Sponsors
New York State Department of Education,
made possible by Assemblymember Harry B. Bronson
Supporting Sponsors
Vicki and Richard Schwartz

Friends of the University of Rochester Libraries

Gleason Family Foundation

Dr. William Valenti and James Wolk
Contributing Sponsors
Anonymous (2)
Janet S. Reed

Family of Dr. Edward C. Atwater
Helen H. Berkeley

Anthony J. Mascioli Trust
Fellow Sponsors
Suzanne M. Spencer
Rochester Victory Alliance
Dr. Stephen Dewhurst
Dr. Michael S. Gottlieb
Tamar Carroll and Lars Schumann
Community Sponsor

Memorial Art Gallery Endowed Fund Support
Thomas and Marion Hawks Memorial Fund
Robert L. and Mary L. Sproull Fund
Nancy R. Turner Fund for Special Exhibitions
The exhibition is supported in part by awards from the New York State Education Department made possible by Assemblymember Harry B. Bronson, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services MA-245369-OMS-20. The views, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The book that complements the exhibition is published by RIT Press and made possible by William M. Valenti, M.D.