A woman painting a large-scale mural on the wall in MAG's Hurlbut Gallery. The mural features three woman, each with a geometric gold halo.

Her Voice Carries

June 1, 2017–April 14, 2019

Hurlbut Gallery

Modern Czech Photography
A Portfolio

December 13, 2018–March 31, 2019

Lockhart Gallery

Impressionist painting of a bridge in pale blues and purples

Monet’s Waterloo Bridge
Vision and Process

October 7, 2018–January 6, 2019

Docent Gallery

A cathedral formed out of dots colored red and navy blue. Close up, the cathedral can't be seen, but from far away the pattern is apparent.

Seeing in Color and Black-and-White

October 7, 2018–January 6, 2019

Docent Gallery

Fabric of Survival
The Art of Esther Nisenthal Krinitz

August 17–December 2, 2018

Lockhart Gallery

Bruce Nauman
No, No, New Museum

August 3–October 14, 2018

Lockhart Gallery, Media Arts Watch Gallery

The Surreal Visions of Josephine Tota

July 15–September 9, 2018

Docent Gallery

Nancy Jurs
My Life Has Gotten So Busy That It Now Takes Up All of My Time

July 15–September 9, 2018

Docent Gallery

Wards of Time
Photographs of Antiquities by Larry Merrill

April 20–August 5, 2018

Lockhart Gallery

Bill Viola
Martyrs–Earth, Air, Fire, and Water

October 11, 2017–July 22, 2018

Media Arts Watch Gallery