Partner with MAG!

As a business leader, you understand the value that art brings to the quality of life in the Rochester community. Nowhere is that value more apparent than at the Memorial Art Gallery. Year after year, MAG offers the public a wide variety of educational programs, special events, and high-profile art exhibitions. Your support makes these activities possible—while linking your company’s name with a thriving, highly visible arts institution.

For more information on the corporate sponsorship program, please contact Jamie Beers, Director of Advancement, at or 585.276.8936.

As a corporate pARTner or a corporate sponsor, you receive unique marketing opportunities, visibility and recognition, and significant benefits for clients and employees—all part of your return on investment.

Exhibition Season Presenting Sponsor: $50,000+

Supporting, Associate, Contributing, and Fellow benefits plus:

  • Recognition on all exhibition title walls for the entire year
  • Exclusive VIP experience with Museum Director
  • Free private event rental at MAG during the exhibition
Supporting Sponsor: $25,000

Associate, Contributing, and Fellow benefits plus

  • Recognition on exhibition banner installed on Sculpture Park fence
  • 25% discount on private event rental at MAG during the exhibition
  • Private tour of exhibition
Associate Sponsor: $10,000

Contributing and Fellow benefits plus:

  • Recognition as “Leader of the Month” in the Vanden Brul Pavilion
  • Recognition in MAG e-news, sent to 14,000+ subscribers
  • 10% discount on private event rental at MAG during the exhibition
Contributing Sponsor: $5,000

Fellow benefits plus:

  • Recognition on one exhibition title wall
  • Invitation to Exhibition Sponsor Recognition Event 
  • Recognition in exhibition/program advertising and promotion
Fellow Sponsor: $2,500
  • Recognition on MAG’s website
  • Recognition on the Donor Wall in the Vanden Brul Pavilion
  • Invitation to Exhibition Patron Preview Party
  • Museum admission passes for employees
$1,000 Corporate pARTner
  • Recognition on MAG’s website
  • Recognition on the Donor Wall in the Vanden Brul Pavilion
  • Invitation to Exhibition Patron Preview Party
  • Museum admission passes for employees