Welcome to our digital teacher resource center! We create items using input from educators on our Teacher Advisory Council and based on participant feedback from professional development workshops.
These resources aim to:
- be easily adaptable to your curriculum
- support arts integration across grade levels and content areas
- complement school tours or visits from MAG’s museum educators
If you would like support in implementing these tools, are looking for a resource you used in the past, or have ideas for new ones to be developed, please reach out to learning@mag.rochester.edu!
Artful Thinking Routines
Artful Thinking Routines, designed by Project Zero at Harvard University, develop students’ critical thinking through the use of simple routines that guide them in responding to art. Visual art can be a spring board for developing thinking skills and habits that students can then apply across the curriculum. Artful Thinking Routines support several thinking dispositions – Questioning and Investigating, Observing and Describing, Comparing and Connecting, Finding Complexity, Exploring Viewpoints, and Reasoning.

Social-Emotional Learning Check-Ins
Social Emotional Learning check-ins provide a visual way for students to share how they are feeling. Each check-in includes six thematic artworks from MAG’s permanent collection.

Archaeology Alive!
Bring archaeology to life in your classroom using MAG’s range of resources. Makes a great supplement to the Passport to the Past tour!