Kerina Mangiaracina

Kerina Mangiaracina is a multimedia artist with a focus on jewelry design and printmaking. Her artistic journey began with classes at the Creative Workshop under the guidance of Joanne LaChiusa and Loraine Cooley. This initial exploration inspired her to embark on a career transition from a two decade career in hairdressing, to becoming a full-time artist.

Starting at Monroe Community College, Kerina’s sculptures earned her first place in a student show, and her artwork gained recognition in the League of Innovations Award at the Mercer Gallery. Continuing her education, she attended the School of American Craft at the Rochester Institute of Technology, obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Fine Jewelry and Metals Design. Her outstanding achievements included receiving the “Tiffany” Award for High Standards, and her metal sculpture was featured in various honors shows at RIT.

Taking her passion further, Kerina pursued a master’s degree in Fine Studio Art from the College of Art and Design at RIT. Her art has been exhibited and showcased in Rochester and New York City.

Kerina loves seeing her students thrive in the arts and has shared her knowledge by teaching in arts foundation at RIT. Currently, she instructs a dual program for homeschooled high school students through MCC. When not teaching, Kerina dedicates her time to creating art and jewelry in one of her two studios. And now her journey has landed her right back where it all started, at The Creative Workshop!