Christie Lundberg
Ceramic mug with a astrology-themed moth design etched into the side.
Christie Lundberg, Ceramic mug
Sculpture of two hands reaching up, holding metal dog tags.
Sculpture by Christie Lundberg

Christie is a Nazareth College Alumni who graduated Cum Laude with a BFA in 2016. Her work won a best in show award at Nazareth and two pieces were purchased by the college.

After graduation, Christie started working towards setting up her own studio and obtaining her LLC for CLMCERAMICS. Over the past few years Christie has been opening up the studio to private lessons and doing home glazing instructions and while doing so, has really found a passion for teaching. What she loves most about it is watching people learn! As far as teaching goes, she says “if you can dream it, we’ll find a way to build it. Always depends on how much you want to put into it… time, money, etc. I love putting a positive spin on things. It’s never a call fail, it’s a lesson learned. I love learning the steps to make the journey of others easier.”

With her own work, she is always experimenting and trying new things and loves learning more about clay with each piece and project. Christie thinks personal growth is important, no matter how big or small the steps are…. it’s the moving forward that’s what’s important.